My Big Game

by Danny T
(Portland, Maine)

It was my senior year and my baseball team was about to face the 7th ranked team in our playoff battle. We were the 15th ranked team and had to win a play in game to make the tournament. I pitched that game beating our cross town rivals. Neither of our teams were particularly good this year, but after that play-in victory we shocked the 2nd ranked team just two days later.

It was my turn to pitch and we were facing the 7th ranked team and their #1 pitcher and Division 1 commit. I wasn't ready to end our season even though every indication was we would. I knew I needed to be at my best so I sought out coach Barnard for a little reinforcement of my mindset work. He spent just a few minutes with me just to give me a "booster shot" which I felt like I should have before this big game.

The results were almost what I wanted, everything but the victory. High school baseball games are 7 innings and we have pitch count rules on our pitchers. We didn't have a strong bullpen so I knew I would need to be on my game. I definitely got into that flow state and all the training really came out. As coach always says, "trust your training." I did. I pitched into the 10th inning and the score was nothing to nothing. We lost the game in the bottom of the 10th 1 to 0 and I ended the game throwing just under 100 pitches. I even worked out of a bases loaded 0 out situation in the bottom of the 7th. There is no doubt in my mind that it was my mindset that was the key. I am feeling confident as I head off to college and try to play baseball for one of the top Division III programs in the country.

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